I've got to get the podcast going
I have heard Adam Carolla say that any idiot can do radio. He says it's all about reps, get a job late night when no one is listening and put in the reps. I guess the equivalent of late night radio where no one listens is to start your own podcast. Just put in the hours. I'm like the guy who went to the gym a few times and quit after a month because I wasn't ripped and was really soar. And along with that metaphor I'm still paying my monthly gym membership fee.
Just put in the reps Duke, you can do this. You have to know your limitations right? I'm definitely not a natural on the spoken word. What am I good at? I'm good and delivering something that I have rehearsed. Sometimes I'm OK off the cuff but that's a muscle that really needs some work. So why don't I put in the reps? I already pay for the service and have my own iphone app. I've done 5 episodes already. Each episode has some laughs, but the fact is there's a lot of filler. But Rome wasn't built in a day right? I suck. No I'm OK. No, I'm the best. No I'm the worst. Okay I'm sub-par with moments of funny. I can live with the last one as long as I believe I have potential. Potential means you are a loser now, but there's a chance you could change that if you get your act together. I have potential.
I'm an aspiring comedian and filmmaker. I've written a script which I plan on making and I can make people laugh for about 8 minutes. My goal is the change the 8 minutes to 45 and the "plan to make a movie" to "I have made and make movies." The dream is to be a mixture of Woody Allen and Louie CK. So the movie part is clear, finish the rewrite and sell everything I own to buy a camera and then go. The comedy part is, perform and write as often as possible. Then it will turn into, perform in front of people who want to see you. That's where the podcast comes in. Everyone's doing it. All the cool kids.
This is what I know about a podcast:
#1. It has to be consistent. There should be a consistent format. Of course the format should allow for variety, but the structure should be consistent. And the show should come out consistently on the same day, like clock work.
#2. It should be well produced. Good recording quality, an intro song and maybe some cool segue music.
#3. Keep them wanting more. (Not sure about this one.) Maybe keep it around 45 minutes to an hour long. Maybe have a teaser at the top of the show about what is going to happen in the show. Then maybe have teasers for next week.
I guess it's kind of like the Tao of Steve. Do something excellent, walk away, don't care.
Okay, so what's my format? This is the format that I had: Do an opening with banter between me and Lesley for maybe 10 minutes, interview an up and coming comic, then some closing banter. Do I stick with this? I don't know. Bill Burr just talks for an hour straight and says that helps with his stand up. Of course he still has a format within the hour talk. He'll usually open with some rant about what's going on lately, then he'll give advice from emails, share youtube videos, read emails that ask if they are racist, read emails that talk about stuff that is overrated or underrated and then usually he'll try to piss somebody off to keep the momentum of the show moving forward.
Okay here's a sample format for myself that is totally ripped off from another podcast.
1. Intro - Someone asking people to go to dukefightmaster.com to give a donation.
2. I'll talk briefly about what is going to happen on the show.
3. Theme song (I'll have to come up with something original.
3. Lesley and I banter.
4. I interview a comic or friend.
5. Closing remarks from Lesley and I.
6. Get excited for next weeks show, and donate at dukefightmaster.com
7. A duke Fightmaster original song.
Okay, this doesn't seem that hard. I'll try to keep it one hour exactly. Maybe I can do this.
Just put in the reps Duke, you can do this. You have to know your limitations right? I'm definitely not a natural on the spoken word. What am I good at? I'm good and delivering something that I have rehearsed. Sometimes I'm OK off the cuff but that's a muscle that really needs some work. So why don't I put in the reps? I already pay for the service and have my own iphone app. I've done 5 episodes already. Each episode has some laughs, but the fact is there's a lot of filler. But Rome wasn't built in a day right? I suck. No I'm OK. No, I'm the best. No I'm the worst. Okay I'm sub-par with moments of funny. I can live with the last one as long as I believe I have potential. Potential means you are a loser now, but there's a chance you could change that if you get your act together. I have potential.
I'm an aspiring comedian and filmmaker. I've written a script which I plan on making and I can make people laugh for about 8 minutes. My goal is the change the 8 minutes to 45 and the "plan to make a movie" to "I have made and make movies." The dream is to be a mixture of Woody Allen and Louie CK. So the movie part is clear, finish the rewrite and sell everything I own to buy a camera and then go. The comedy part is, perform and write as often as possible. Then it will turn into, perform in front of people who want to see you. That's where the podcast comes in. Everyone's doing it. All the cool kids.
This is what I know about a podcast:
#1. It has to be consistent. There should be a consistent format. Of course the format should allow for variety, but the structure should be consistent. And the show should come out consistently on the same day, like clock work.
#2. It should be well produced. Good recording quality, an intro song and maybe some cool segue music.
#3. Keep them wanting more. (Not sure about this one.) Maybe keep it around 45 minutes to an hour long. Maybe have a teaser at the top of the show about what is going to happen in the show. Then maybe have teasers for next week.
I guess it's kind of like the Tao of Steve. Do something excellent, walk away, don't care.
Okay, so what's my format? This is the format that I had: Do an opening with banter between me and Lesley for maybe 10 minutes, interview an up and coming comic, then some closing banter. Do I stick with this? I don't know. Bill Burr just talks for an hour straight and says that helps with his stand up. Of course he still has a format within the hour talk. He'll usually open with some rant about what's going on lately, then he'll give advice from emails, share youtube videos, read emails that ask if they are racist, read emails that talk about stuff that is overrated or underrated and then usually he'll try to piss somebody off to keep the momentum of the show moving forward.
Okay here's a sample format for myself that is totally ripped off from another podcast.
1. Intro - Someone asking people to go to dukefightmaster.com to give a donation.
2. I'll talk briefly about what is going to happen on the show.
3. Theme song (I'll have to come up with something original.
3. Lesley and I banter.
4. I interview a comic or friend.
5. Closing remarks from Lesley and I.
6. Get excited for next weeks show, and donate at dukefightmaster.com
7. A duke Fightmaster original song.
Okay, this doesn't seem that hard. I'll try to keep it one hour exactly. Maybe I can do this.