Broken luck
I see signs but just the ones that I want
then one day they're all gone
I look through the home out back and out front
but everything's gone wrong
I grow numb with each thought
till I no longer feel
what once was sought
no longer seems real
the world had changed or more likely it's me
I've chased ghosts for so long
that they're all that I see
now I know something's wrong
pick up peices of broken luck
and try to make something good
but it's nowhere to truck
all the things you think should
then one day they're all gone
I look through the home out back and out front
but everything's gone wrong
I grow numb with each thought
till I no longer feel
what once was sought
no longer seems real
the world had changed or more likely it's me
I've chased ghosts for so long
that they're all that I see
now I know something's wrong
pick up peices of broken luck
and try to make something good
but it's nowhere to truck
all the things you think should