You're always surrounded

I don't know what the fuck I was thinking when I wrote down that topic. I write down these blog topics first thing in the morning and I know I had a point but I can't seem to wrap my mind around it right now.

You're always surrounded? Who's surrounding me? People? Work? Maybe that was it. My company is big brother. They have people watching the people who are watching people. It's got me paranoid.

I'm surrounded by beauty if I want to be. I was driving in the middle of New Mexico for over 3 hours and the sky was beautiful. If I want to see the original creator I just have to look up. Sometimes I forget how much beauty is around me.

I have love surrounding me. Permeating my entire being. All I have to do is feel it. Sometimes I try so hard not to feel.

You can feel when you want to; look for the love.