I'm funny again!

I'm sitting in a packed bar with an audience covered in silence. I'm going on last. The guy puts the least funniest person last. I hate the guy. I'm secluded in the back, alone in my head. The last time I was here I had panic attacks. I have an anxiety disorder. I'm the anxiety guy who likes to go on stage.

Ok scratch everything. I've been in a month long depression because I lost my comedy mojo. Now tonight no comedians were doing good. But...I got up there and killed! I've broken the curse. I'm funny again.

Love mirage

The twist is where the balance is
If there's no twist it's too far right
Right turns are downward turns
Down is fast and the walk back up is slow
The walk up is painful on the legs
The twist
It heals the back
You need it
I need it
I need you
I need love
I chase it
It's hard to catch love
Stop the run
It stops too
The mirage again
Another love mirage
Find others to give it to
You think you don't have enough
But you have more than enough
Give the love
Then the mirage becomes a real home

Don't make her mad

Trouble in the winter
But it's not much different than any other time
It's just problems while cold
Sometimes the cold becomes such a problem that I forget my real problems
But nothing can cover the issues in my stomach
Nothing fills that hole
Not all the snow in Tahoe
Not all the snow in Escobar's nose
My hat is falling
I'm not taking it off but it no longer wants me to wear it
This has nothing do with you lady
This is the lady inside
Don't cross her

It's crazy to stop lying

Bursts of anger
Out of the ocean of depression
And the sky of terror
The world is fucked through these lenses
I can hold it in to a point
But no one can seperate the sea
Unless you believe in lies
I'm unable to do it
And miserable because of it
Why can't I lie anymore?
I've tried lying to myself before
It was beautiful
It no longer works
Now all I'm left with is ramblings
From a crazy mind
One that can't lie anymore
The more you stop lying the crazier you get

The thing

Have you ever suddenly woke up because you were afraid you were leaving your body?
I have
A few times
Today it happened
I think I'm done
with what I don't know
If I knew that I'd tell you
But I think I'm done
Definitely done with something
What is it that I'm done with?
The thing that makes me feel so bad
I want to be done
I quit
Just tell me what that thing is
Then I quit for sure
But then the new thing comes
You know the new thing, right?
The new thing that makes you feel bad
There's always a new thing
There's never not a thing
I wish there was not a thing
But that's the messed up thing
There's always a thing
Quit one thing and up pops the next thing
If it's not one thing it's another
And that's life
Can you live by the rule's of life?
The rule that says there will always be a thing.
So if you try to remove the thing it gets bigger
If you leave the thing a new one comes
Are you supposed to accept the thing
I hate the thing
It makes me feel terrible
How can I accept it?
This is life

The circles of nowhere

I'm running
Slow at first
But I'm in movement
Sometimes it's good to move
Sometimes it's good to rest
I lay on the couch a lot in the attempt to relax
But all I really do is stress out about what I'm not doing
Then I start doing
I don't stop
I go
And go
Sometimes in circles
Then people get mad so I stop
Then I stress for not moving
So eventually I start up again
Repeat the steps and then people get mad
So I stop
Again and again

These circles don't lead anywhere
I keep ending up where I started
What if we were in a fish bowl?
I feel that way
I can't change
No one can change
Unless their told
Or more likely forced

I get forced to leave my circle sometimes
Now I'm floating in space
The circle was grounding
I might have hated myself but at least I knew who I hated
I don't know anything now


My head is not good

I get these headaches
They're terrible
I felt fine yesterday
I did a comedy set at a bar last night
When I got off stage my head felt like it was going to explode
It felt like my brain was swollen and my skull was getting crushed
I couldn't sleep
I tried but my two boys have taken my place in the bed
I'm uncomfortable
I'm in pain
I'm not right
I go downstairs and just pace
Back and forth
I lay on the couch
I try to pinch my hand to see if that makes the pain in my head go away
It doesn't

I watch a movie about a guy who want's to follow his dream
And a girl who wants him to give it up
He chooses his dream
I finally get a couple hours of sleep on the couch
My wife wakes me and makes me tea

Life is confusing
And painful
And funny
And beautiful

I thought I was human

Someone hit me in the face
At least throw something in my face
Maybe some food?
Scratch that
I shove enough food in my face already
Slap me
Pinch me
Tackle me
Tickle me?
Just touch me
I don't think I can feel
I'm numb
Can I feel?
Am I here?
Am I real?
Am I a robot?
What if I'm a robot who just realized he's a robot?
It's that moment that the robot, who thinks he's human
And then finds out that he's a robot
That moment is terrible
I think I'm having that moment
I thought I was human
It was so real
But I'm not
I'm a fucking robot
I knew there was something wrong
But I never thought it was this

I guess there's nothing left to do but to log off the mainframe

In her arms

When you get back into her arms there's nothing like it
The feeling of coming home after being lost is beyond comforting
When you loose something and then find it you know what you now have
What was once just there is now everything, it's my heart
I don't want to lie and when I'm in her arms I'm in the blanket of truth
I love her arms

But still I leave, I have to go out
I get lost, for longer
It's colder
I loose more and more of myself
I hurt myself
But I found home again
I want to bring her arms with me
I want to bring home with me

Everywhere I go I want to be at home
In her arms

The race must end

These headaches are too much
so much so I can't even touch
the one that's close
the one I love
it hurts the most
when I'm thinking of
the plans in my mind
the impossible kind
the one to conquer the world
that one makes me hurt
as much as I love the girl
I'm covered in dirt
so now it's the pain
inside of my brain
I've got to get clear
to get to that place
if feels so near
I'm ending the race

Normal is the lie

What if normal is denial?
What if everyone who is seemingly normal are great at avoiding the truth?
What if the guy who seems crazy isn't crazy?
What if he is just unable to lie?
What if the truth makes you crazy?
The ultimate truth.
Maybe the ultimate truth is unknowable.
But in order to be normal you can't even try to know.
The second you think about these things you're sense of wellness is gone.

I can't keep the lie going.
My walls of lies are tearing down.
Of the world.
Of my world.
I can't live the lie and it's driving me crazy.

I guess I'll let go

Before the mornig terror hits
Unless you're woken up by it
There's a moment of peace
A breif glimpse of hope?
Or maybe there's a mirage
Either way, it's a well lit room
I like those
The moment before the walls cave in
it's usually when things are the best
Right before your world crashes in around you
it's hard to enjoy these moments when you become aware of the pattern
then one day you find out that patterns are bullshit
then you truly are lost
is there any choices left at this point?
I guess I'm gonna let go...if that's an option.