Strange change

Sometimes it's seeming never change
Then one day it all gets strange
All the same of what did seem
wakes me to a lucid dream
open eyes the day is hear
the moment leaves of boring fear
beauty takes the former space
and thinks not what it did replace
ups and down still on the ride
just this time it's oceans tide
filling lack and all the time
spent with love and all that's mine

Disintegrating into authenticity

The spark appeared
This started the flame
It's never gone out
I'm still lit
I tried to start a big fire
To turn others on
It happenned for a little but the flame didn't catch
I had to return to the source
Don't let the fire go out
Don't let my fire go out
I abondoned the rest to secure my own
This became important to me
I have to focus on my fire
Now I'm bringing heat
Others are starting to get warm
Let's get lit!

Seeking the true

A seeker of true
changing what's there
who are you?
which way do you stare?
This is what's seen
when you look inside
answers seem mean
if you have lied
true to the seek
this is the way
follow the freak
he's leaving today
one step and you're in
direction is cast
let meaning begin
first slow before fast
more I won't tell
it's path is for you
your soul never sell
just seek what is true

Hold it then go

I got up twice
It's alright
Looked not so good
But gave it an I could
Music started up
Made them drink a cup
And all was good
With my I could
I did that
Hit the bat
Swung the cat
Ate the fat
All in
more sin
Love bin
oiled tin
Filled treat
Greet and meet
Scan tron cheat
Walking feet
Still a dream
A better team
or machine
Then my winning gleam
I'm on it
I lawn sit
Hold it
Now go

The path is open

For what seemed like forever the path was closed. The destination was difficult to make it to. You had to risk your health and break the rules to get there. Then one day, seemingly out of the blue, the path is opened. It's an easy path. No rules to be broken, no one to piss off, no health risk, just an easy path.

This is my life. I see the destination but the path is sometimes closed. I still go there. I get hurt on the way and break rules that get others upset, but I still go. Then one day they open up easy street? What the fuck!

I'm taking the path today and I'm just gonna cruise. I'm gonna appreciate it too. I can't stand the other way. I love a clear, clean, easy path.

Monk and Stunk

Monk hit Stunk with his fireball
Then stunk ran away and bonked his head on a tree
Stunk then came back to fight Monk
Stunk turned into a ball and rolled into Monk
Then Monk bonked his head on a tree
Monk also came back to keep fighting Stunk
Monk threw another fireball at Stunk and Stunk jumped over it
Then Stunk turned into a ball and ran over Monk
This time Monk died
Monk turned into stone
Stunk walked up to the stone and tapped the bottom
Monk came back alive

The End

By Indiana Fightmaster

Shawnky and Tonky

Once upon a time there was a super hero called Shawnky. Tonky came up to Shawnky and threw fire. Shawnky said,"I don't care about fire." and he hit Tonky. Then another person that wasn't a superhero whose name was Sashi came. Sashi turned into an egg and then he threw an egg at Tonky. Then Fonky came and breathed fire at Shawnky. Then Sabado came and he used his special power which let him fly an shoot people. He shot Tonky. Then Qwondo ate Fonky and breathed fire at Sashi. Then Donkey came and trapped Qwondo in a triangle and kept hitting him. Then Mongantic came and got really big and he exploded. Then everyone went home.

The end

By Stone Pablo

Get high

I know how to get high
The good kind of high
Where your body tingles all over
And you feel warm on the inside
Then I start to feel glad that I'm alive
Things start to make sense

I should get high like this more often
Why don't I?
It's one of those highs that you forget about
You forget how good it felt until you do it again
I want to get addicted to this high
But I can't
At least not yet
Sometimes I avoid it
But I know it feels good
I wish I would just always stay high

Then laugh

It started funny
Then I got serious
Then It wasn't funny
Then it was kind of funny
Then it's just funny again

I think I'm becoming myself
That's all I want
And money and stuff
And a happy wife
And time with the kids

And a lot of laughs
And I want to make a movie
And then make another

And then more laughs

And then I want to meditate
Then I want to become a friend
Then I want to have a friend

Then I want to make love with my wife
Then I want to be at peace

Then I want to be funny again
Then I want to have the tools to not be depressed
Then more laughing

Steve Jobs - A great man

When I read the news I got sad
A little teary eyed
I didn't know you
But I guess I related to you
I saw a little of you in me
Maybe I wish I was you
Or maybe I wish I could be like you
That's not a bad direction to go
People stole from you
But you still were the winner in the end
You were an explorer
I like that
I've always enjoyed an adventure
This was your life
You took acid
I took acid
You then became rich and famous
I didn't

Worlds in collision

It's not a paradox
But when I'm going up I go down
It's a universal truth
It's parallel universes
Separate worlds in collision
Pulling me apart
There's the world I want
And then there's the world I want
You say the words
But the subtext says I don't care enough
That's the thing
You have to care
And you have to care so much that you don't care

This is when you can move your worlds
Get me a Uhaul
I'm ready to move
And I care so much that I don't give a fuck anymore

Songs are easier

Comedy is by far more 
You say you love the tunes
But the man who shows his core
Has suffered many moons
To sing is not a joke
Your heart must somewhat ring
But the man who only spoke
Faces death before the king

I remember your voice
My heart did drop
there wasn't a choice
but to just stop
we sang the song
all the way to the end
right through wrong
right into friend

now I'm telling laughs for nothing and I won't get good until my heart dies

Wake me up gently

I'm tired as fuck
I cleaned my home this morning and tonight it's trashed
A week ago my 7 year old burned his hand on the curling iron
Today my 4 year old wanted to see what it felt like
He found out
A lot of crying
He likes ice now
In the last month I've spent over 30 hours watching rescue me
In the last couple days I watched season three of breaking Bad
My head isn't screwed on straight
I'm tired
I procrastinated all day on my writing
And my yoga
But I had time for two episodes of season 4 Breaking Bad and two episodes of rescue me
And I had time for a bunch of candy, ice cream and cookies
A lot of time
How does one screw their head on straight?
I'm broke
I don't have a job
Because I'm not a pussy
All I have is something that I'm running from
Or maybe I'm running towards it
It's alluding me
The stick and the carrot
They keep appearing and dissapearing
Wake me up...please

...But do it gently

My mission statement

What's my mission statement? Half the time I'm checked out, just going through the motions, definitely not thinking about my purpose or mission in life or whatever activity I'm engaged in. But I want one. I want to move forward in life. I don't want to always be a middle aged open miker who can't support his family. I want to do some shit and I want to feel good about doing it. I used to spend a lot of time wondering if I'd ever meet my wife and start a family. Ok, put a check in that box. The wife thing, check. The kid thing, done it.

Now all I have to do is be a good husband and a good father. Sounds easier than it is. It occured to me one day that I can't be either a good Dad or Husband if I'm not true to myself. How can you set a good example if you're lovig a lie? I knew I had to be living the truth if I was ever going to be the husband or dad I wanted to be. The problem was my foundation to life was faulty. I had to tear the whole thing down.

It's tough to be a good Dad and Husband when your family is living in a demolition zone. This is where we've been residing. Whenever you start a constuction process they say to expect it to be double the money and twice as long as the contractor quotes you. I'm far in this thing but at least I feel like a strong cement ground level foundation has been poured.

Wives and families don't give a fuck about foundations. They don't understad what it means to be a man. All they want is a warm place to sleep, a big bed and granite counter tops. Like I said we're sleeping on cement. The family is not happy with Dad. But still I'm doing what I think I have to do to be a man. Sometimes the man has to be a man whether his family understands or not.

I too am feeling like I overextended myself. What if this strong foundation I'm building never gets a house built on top of it? I don't want that to happen but these fearful thoughts are coming into my head. These thoughts will hopefully serve to motivate me. Now is not the time to rest on my laurels. Back to the mission statement. I'm in the middle of a bunch of rubble. I'm covered in dust. Sometimes I get overwhelmed an I don't know what to do. This is where I need a mission statement. A statement that tells me if I'm headed in the right direction.

Statement: To support my wife and family through my creativity.

My creativity I my personal truth. I need to follow this path if I'm ever going to be a real man. Only by becoming a real man can I be a true example to my kids and husband to my wife. Whenever I am stuck I can ask myself, "Is what I'm doing now going to help me support my family through my creativity?" If the answer is yes I proceed and if it is no I change my direction. Right now I am writing, opening the creative door. My answer now is yes.

So far I haven't figured out how to support my family through masturbation. Until then I change directions.

the un-figure-out-able

My mind is an antenna
Nothing is permanent here
My consciousness is
When my mind turns off I lose reception
It's not lights off
That thought doesn't do anything for me
The antenna thought does
It does everything for me
This is a piece of the puzzle
It makes me feel better
I need this, just like the born again dude needs church
Time to live now that I don't have to figure out the un-figure-out-able

When I froze

This is for the one who holds my love
I can't reach, you keep it high above
Locked into the box I sit and stare
Shadows cover all that was once there
I'm holding on to sand
Slipping in the land
Of dreams
Taking all the keys
In a way that no one sees
It seems
Where did my surfing seem to go?
Watching waves high up on the bluff
I left my constant need to know
Now I'm froze with all the other stuff

Where can I buy a new me?

I'm running into the wall again.  Nothing to say, a blank mind.  I wish the issue was that my mind was empty, free of all thoughts.  It's true that I sit here and want to write something as my mind only shoots blanks, but the fact is I have too much going on in there.  I think I have too many viruses in my mind.  The virus has spread and the result is a crashed hard drive.  Yes I think that's what my mind is right now, a frozen computer. 

It's similar to a blank mind, they almost look the same.  It's like looking at a computer that's frozen and one that's asleep.  At first glance they might both look like they're asleep.  The only difference is when you move the mouse on the sleeping computer it wakes up and gives you access to the many files it stores and the millions of reachable files from the web.  The frozen computer does nothing.

I'm moving the mouse of my brain right now and nothing is coming.  It's frozen.  The hard drive was too full and now it's worthless.  How do you fix a frozen computer?  The first step is usually to turn it off and back on.  How do I turn my brain off?  Does anyone know where the plug is on these brains?  I can't find mine.

Another solution is to buy a new computer.  Does anyone know where I can get a new me?  I'd really love to pick one up.

I need to figure out

I've got to figure it out
Then I need to figure out if I figured it out
That's gonna take a lot of figuring out
Don't you figure?
They say every cell in your body regenerates every seven years.
I'm different than I was twenty years ago
There's still some residue from that old guy
But the truth is I don't know him
I've got to figure this shit out

My therapist said the words he heard were
"dead on the inside"
and "cornered by life"
those are my sentences
what if there isn't a way out?
nothing to figure out
That's what I need to figure out